Friday, December 11, 2009

Level 19!

So... I recently started playing Clusterz again. That's the game where you shoot the colored bubbles at the same colored bubbles until they all go away and just leave the black dots. I was doing pretty good until I got to level 19. a.k.a. the dreaded level. I think it is the hardest level that there is. I would even venture to say that it might even be impossible. I have played it like 300 times now and still can't seem to get past it. I always get level failed, replay now. It's starting to make me mad because I'm just want to get to the next level. Is that too much to ask for? I guess so because it still isn't working out in my favor. I keep saying that I'm only going to play it a few more times, but once I start, I can't stop. It is addicting and there is no way that I can stop playing, no matter how mad it makes me. I have come close to throwing my laptop across the room before, but later decided that that was a stupid decision because it's just a game and I will eventually beat this level.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


My favorite thing about Christmas, besides the food, is of course helping pick out the wrapping paper for all the gifts. I love doing that. I like there to be a variety of wrappings under the tree. It's really boring if all the boxes and gifts are wrapped in one style. You have to mix it up a little. Last year my favorite wrapping paper was teddy bears and care bears dressed up in santa suits. It was all so beautiful under the tree that morning.
My next favorite thing is spending time with my family. I have a busy family so spending time with them isn't all that easy during the week. We all have different schedules too. We get together, eat, open presents, and just talk about what has or hasn't been going on in our lives.
Finally, the third best thing about Christmas is that it is Jesus' birthday and I was born a day after Jesus. Totally cool, I know! Jesus and I are only one day apart. Who really needs to know about all the years that separate us also? It's not all that important that it is one day and 2000+ years. It's just cool thinking of it as we were born one day apart.
Christmas is one of my most favorite holidays.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


My favorite food that is served on Thanksgiving is my dad's chicken and dressing and the smoked ham that he gets made just for Thanksgiving. My dad has made this dressing every year since I have been able to remember it. It is so good and delicious. He got the recipe from my grandmother. He got alot of recipes from her. All the food she used to make for my dad when he was a child, were homemade. My grandmother made almost everything from scratch. So that is what I look forward to at Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Alabama Football

Alabama Football is my favorite thing to watch. Every Saturday, I wake up, get ready, do my chores, and sit down with my family to watch the game. So far this season, Alabama is undefeated. That's great. I come from a small town in the Northeastern corner of Alabama. That would be Fort Payne, Alabama. There, everyone loves Alabama football. They are die-hard fans. They go crazy when a bad call is made, they throw things if we lose, and throw big parties if we win. This year, I feel confident in all of the Alabama team. Not just one or two players, the whole team. I hope that Alabama wins the SEC championship and goes all the way to the national title. That would be a dream come true.
Not only is the game exciting and exhilerating, it allows my family to spend time bonding together. As a family, we don't spend as much time with one another as we probably should. We are all so busy. When we all get home, we are tired and have other things to do. Luckily, the love of one sport and team can bring us together and we are able to laugh and just hangout with each other.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thank You!

I'm writing this blog to thank all the countless Veterans that have given thier time, courage, and some even thier lives to this nation. All that you have done makes it possible for me to even sit here in school and type this blog. Whether it was fighting on the frontline, nursing the wounded, or whatever the task, you participation is greatly appreciated by many. As Americans, we celebrate the hard work of Veterans on November 11th each year. I think we should commend those who fight so bravely for our freedoms everyday. We should be able to at least say thank you to all those who willingly agree to lay down their lives for people they don't even know. That should be the easiest thing for most people on Earth to do. Yet, we find it hard to take time out of our busy schedules and say thank you. So, I am stopping what I am doing and taking time to express my gratitude for all the Veterans and current military officers serving. I am very grateful that I can drive around town, go to school without fear, and all the small things that most take for granted. I thank you for all that you do and I also thank those to come in advance for all you will do.

Thinking thoughts... What to do?

You know those people that come into your life, stay awhile, and then get up and walk out? You adjust your life because they have left and you learn to live without them and you create your own happiness. You get all settled and you become happy when all you have been was sad for the longest time. You are eventually fine.
What happens when those people come back into your life and want to be friends again? Do you just set everything aside and let them back in? Do you risk getting your heart broken again? Do you just simply take the chance and if they mess up again, its their fault? Either way you might lose and there is a possibility that you may just end up looking like a fool. The person can change and be the greatest ever, but you still remember all the bad things that have happened. You just can't seem to find the strength inside of yourself to let all those things go. You have no clue what to do and you are once again confused.
The person has called and called and asked for more chances. You have said that you will think about it and have an answer for them when you get to it. All of a sudden, the person stops calling and you wonder, do they even care anymore or are they just busy? One may never know but if you can't be there as a friend, it seems difficult to understand why they would ever be anything more than that. You are ultimately left with the choice. It may sound like a simple yes or no question. It goes much, much deeper than that. It deals with the way you feel about that person in your heart. It also depends are whether you are willing to fall apart all over again just to give this person one more chance. In the end, you are the only one who can make this choice for you. Not your friends, your parents, the person, it is all left up to you to decide where your life goes and where you end up. It's all up to you. That's why everyone says, "life is all about your choices."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Last Friday, I got my hair cut. It is sooooo cute. I love it! It's shorter than it was and I got dark red, light blonde, and dark blonde highlights and lowlights put in it. I wanted a new hair style that would reflect my personality. I'm very lively and upbeat. I love to socialize and be around other people. That's just how I am. My hair was great, don't get me wrong, but I wanted something that would give me life and show how I really am.
Also, it is really easy to fix in the morning and you can do many different things with it. You don't have to wear the same hair style for an entire year. You can wear it a different way for a long time. I'm big on things being different than everyone else. Why be the same when you can be unique and stand out? Think about it! If everyone in the world was the same, this place would be so boring, we would barely be able to stand it. That's just how I feel about that issue.
I also love wearing different things that most find odd. I for sure have a unique sense of style. Some like it and others don't care for it at all. It's me though and I like it. I deal with a lot of things differently than most others do. I deal with stress by laughing. I deal with crying by eating chocolate and drinking root beer. I deal with death by cuddling with a pillow. I don't dwell on things that happened a long time ago. I learn from those situations and try and avoid them in the future. I take things differently when people are mean. I always give people the benefit of the doubt. That can be a downfall sometimes too. Most times it is, but it pays off in the end a few times. I'm very unique and handle things differently. Let me know how you handle different situations.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Halloween is just so fun. What isn't awesome about candy and all kinds of yummy food? I love candy and the dressing up that is involved in the celebration. My friends and I dressed up as a rock group for Halloween this year. Micah was Red Robin. I was Sunny D with my guitar Rosie. Taylor was the Black Widow. We went trick or treating. After we finished that, we had nachos, cupcakes, punch, pretzels, and all kinds of candy. We also danced almost all night long. We watched movies together too. It was a ton of fun.
I don't believe in spending the whole month of October waiting for Halloween, but I do believe in celebrating it no matter what age you are. There is a point to where you have to stop trick or treating, but you don't have to give up the whole party thing too. Next year, I think my friends and I are going to just have a big costume party. I love parties. Now, it is time to start thinking about Thanksgiving and everyone likes that holiday.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Homework this year is becoming very overwhelming very fast. It seems as if that's all I really do these days. I would like to have a little break every once in a while. With all the projects that have accumulated and the added stress, all I can ask for is actually survive my junior year. It has been only 3 months since school started and I'm already ready for it to end. School doesn't really bother me, it's not my favorite by any means, but this year I might be beginning to dislike school all together. I don't normally complain about homework because I'm in all honors classes. I chose to be in these classes and that's just something I have to deal with. Lately though, things have been getting a little too much for me. I didn't realize that there would so many elaborate projects that I would have to complete this year.
I'm not thinking about dropping down by any means because I have worked way too hard the past 2 years to just throw it all away. I'm just thinking that maybe I need to figure out a better way of managing my time so that I dont' feel so overwhelmed all at once. I am a person that doesn't handle alot of things at once. I prefer to break things down one at a time if possible. All this stress is really catching up to me. Things are going to have to slow down so I can relax. Fall break helped a little bit but I was still doing work then too, so it wasn't all that much help. I just hope I can take a little breather for about a week or so. That would be very nice!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Best Halloween Ever!

The best Halloween ever was when I was about 5 years old. Most would think the story I'm about to tell is sad, but I think it was one of the best Halloween's I have ever had. I was in kindergarden for just a short while and I had to get my kindergarden shots to be able to remain in school. I was terrified of needles anyway, but to make things worse I had to get them on Halloween. Since I was so little, the doctor told that I probably shouldn't move around alot afterwards and rest alot. Exhausted from crying, I came home and fell asleep on the living room floor where I had recently been playing. Unlike all the others kids out in their costumes getting candy, I was at home asleep with my mommy.
My daddy wasn't home from work when I had fallen asleep. When he came home and he woke me up to give me a very cute stuffed animal. He said he wanted me to at least have something on Halloween, since I couldn't go trick or treating. He also brought me candy, but my favorite part was the stuffed animal. The animal had a pumpkin for a head and was wearing scarecrow clothes and had a straw hat on it's head.
I know this probably doesn't sound like much to the average person, but I thought the world of the stuffed animal. The fact that my daddy and mommy were so worried about me being heartbroken over not being able to celebrate Halloween that they would go out of his way to make it the best they possibly could. It meant pretty much the world to me when I was five. I will always remember that as one of my most favorite Halloweens.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Major Upsetness!

Okay... So the 1st nine weeks grades were due this morning at 11:00. I am so excited while I scroll down the Infinite Campus page and I see all A's. UNTIL... I get to my Algebra 2 Honors class where I have a C. Wait... It gets worse, I'm missing the B mark by about .09 of a point. I was so upset and now I have to explain to my parents why I have a C in a class when I am so used to getting A's.
It's not like I'm slacking or all my other grades would be down too. I'm really trying to understand but math just doesn't come easy for. It never has. As a matter of fact, I don't think it ever will. I hope my parent's don't ground me, because I really am doing my best. My fall break will either be ruined or a blast. One will never know.
I am going to work as hard as I possibly can to make the 2nd nine weeks grade better so that I can bring up the C average. Also... It's not like I have a low C, it's .09 points away from a B. I think thats the part that hurts the most. I just don't like it. All A's and one C... that just looks and sounds ugly. I've been trying so hard to keep my grades up and I hardly get any sleep these days, but apparently math just isn't my forte. I have worked and studied and tried as hard as I could on everything. I have done the best I could and I guess I have to be satisfied with that.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween Senses...

There are many different Halloween senses that you can experience. 

I can taste the wonderful candy that I shall obtain by hopefully dressing up as a lady-bug or bumble bee. :]

I can feel the clothe of the costume I will have on.

I can hear all the monsters yelling as people pass them.

I can see all the lights and fog machines that will be going the night of Halloween.

I can hear the screams of the people getting scared as they go through the haunted houses.

I can taste the cookies that are being baked in the shape of pumpkins and ghosts.

I can smell chocolate and peanut butter from the candy being given out as tricker treaters knock on the door.

Wow... the list goes on and on and on and on and on... well, you get the point I hope. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scary Movie...

A movie that scares me is The Blair Witch Project. That movie scared me to death and yet all I could do was laugh through the entirety of the movie. I think that I used laughter as a coping device to get me through it. All these horrible things kept happening when a circle of rocks appeared on the ground. It seems silly, but actually it is based on a true story. Really a true story. I don't know where it actually took place, but I know it did. People died and were chopped up and yet all I could manage to do was laugh. Strange? Slightly. I agree. 

It seems rather odd for me to think that things so bad could possibly come from just a circle of stones. Ohh... But they did. These people were brave enough to try and document the movement of the ghosts that were seen earlier in the year. They were tested and tried in so many different ways. They got lost and almost gave up on ever finding anything at all. Their belongings and the only equipment they had with them at the time was mysteriously stolen. All through the woods, they could hear voices and footsteps. No one ever knew where the footsteps were coming from. It was one of the scariest movies I had ever watched. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


One summer, I was working at a children's camp. The night was here, we all got to return home. We took turns throughout the week for the adults to help the children get to bed or leave. Friday was my turn to stay and wait for all the children to get into their vehicles and go safely home. Everyone was gone around 7:00. All except for one little boy. I stuck around until about 8:00 and then asked the boy where he lived. He said he didn't know where he lived or his telephone number. I asked him if we were close, if he would know the vacinity of where he lived. The little boy said that he would try. We began down a winding country road and they neared a hill. The little boy began to scream wildly. So I asked him if he lived up there? I was weary of a house being up there, but I drove there instead. When we pulled up in front of the trailer, a man with a white beard came out and thanked me for bringing the boy home.
After returning back down the street, I noticed some loud thumps about half way down. I got out of my car and noticed that I had not one, but two flat tires. I didn't have a cell phone and I didn't remember passing a pay phone on the way over here. I then went to open the door and noticed that I had locked my keys in my car. The night had just gotten worse. I then began to hear loud noises that resembled footsteps. There was a monster coming around the corner and I was sure he was going to get me. I hid under my car and the footsteps kept getting closer. The feet came into view and they were extremely large. The monster heard my breathing and he began to pull my legs. JUST like I'm pulling yours. Haha :]


I love food with a passion. Especially the really good kind of food. One of my favorite restaraunts is the Olive Garden. I love their fettucini alfredo, breadsticks with italian dressing, and their black tie mousse cake for desert. I also love Buffalo Wild Wings. That place just makes me happy all around. I eat their mini corn dogs there with potatoe wedges. If I'm really hungry then I order a small order of boneless honey BBQ wings with ranch. Just by hearing how much I eat, some would classify me as a pig. By looking at me, you would never know though. Many people assume that I have an eating disorder when they see me. The dirty looks and the sideways glances all get really irritating and old. I have just learned to get over them. I don't really care if they think that about me anyway because I know that I'm not and that is all that matters. Well... back to food. Food helps me through a lot of different situations. The most obvious one being when I'm hungry. I also eat when I'm bored or when I am sad. It just makes me feel better. Most consider that coping device to be bad but I don't think it's that bad because I don't eat everything, just a little of this and a little of that. Well... now I am officially hungry from this.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Think awhile...

"Never be afraid to sit and think awhile." ---Lorraine Hansberry

This quote to me means that if you are going through a situation in life that is hard or you are going to encounter a difficult situation, you should just take some time and sit down to think about the pros and cons of each choice you can choose. People usually make the wrong decisions and come back to regret things when they just jump into situations and make hasty decisions.
In the book we are reading now, Mama is deciding on what she is going to do with the insurance money from her husband's death. Many people in the family have various ideas of where the money should be put and what the money should buy. All in all, these people realize that the money is not theirs' but it is Mama's. Ultimately, the decision is left up to her. If anyone gets their feelings hurt or gets upset about anything, they will be taking this up with Mama. The money can't do everything that everyone wants it too.

This must be a hard choice for a woman that wants to please everyone. She cares about her children more than anything in the world. She wouldn't hurt them for anything. When the money comes though, somebodies dream will be crushed because she can't afford both. That must weigh on her mind as she sleeps at night. The quote stated above the remedy for such dilemma. Such take some time and sit down and think about it. Don't just into anything. You may wind up regretting it.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Junior year has proved to me that college isn't going to just be a breeze. It will require hardwork and extreme discpline. Taking AP and IB classes have shown me that I really need to focus and stop procrastinating. I believe that I will survive my junior year. It may be tough, but I know I can pull through and make it happen. As of now, I have strong B's and high A's in most of my classes. That's really good I think, considering some of my friends that are in the same classes are almost failing. That doesn't make me happy that I'm doing better, but I think that some of us just study and try a little harder. I think that with hardwork and dedication, a person can accomplish any goal or conquer any obstacle that is placed in front of them. Some of my friends and classmates just gave up this year, they just all together stopped trying. I can't figure out why this is happening, because I certainly wouldn't work for 12 years to get all a's and a 4.0 GPA, just to throw it away because things get a little tough. I say welcome to the real world. Nothing is just handed to you in the world, you have to earn it. I have heard many college students and adults who already have their jobs say that it really doesn't ever get any easier. Your highschool experience will be the easiest part of life that comes to you. For you to give up on the easiest part doesn't speak well about your drive or your character. It only shows that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. In high school, you should be self-disciplined and continue to work hard to accomplish every dream you have for your future because you are creating the foundation of it at this very moment.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Little Things...

There are many things in my life that make me happy, that others might consider insignificant. I love the little things of life.
1. Having a really cool pen to write with.
2. Colored post-it notes
3. Having your homework done before the class starts.
4. Holes being punched in the paper before I get it, that way I can keep it in my binder.
5. A really cold glass of milk.
6. My parents buying me something without me having to ask for it.
7. Hugs for no reason.
8. Purses make me extremely happy.
9. Soccer games with blankets to keep warm.
10. Driving with the windows down.
11. Pecan pie is the best in the world.
12. Someone calling just to say "I love you"
13. When the internet on the laptop is working properly at a semi-fast speed.
14. Earphones not being tangled up.
15. McDonald's sweet tea.
16. Choco creams for Lic's in the middle of the summer.
17. Jumping in the pool.
18. Church
19. Fetticini Alfredo with salad and breadsticks dipped in italian dressing with black tie mousse cake for desert.
20. The smile of a friend who really cares.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Is it easier to fight with dignity than surrender in shame?

I think that's easier to fight with dignity than surrender in shame. If you have dignity, you don't feel as if you can just be ran over. It gives you something to fight for: yourself. If you give it all you have, then you know that you did your best and you don't have any regrets. If you surrender in shame then you have to live with that repuation and decision for the rest of your life. You are constantly reminded that you gave up the fight and didn't do anything about the other person. You reputation has a blemish and others now recognize you as a shameful person. Some even tend to shy away from people like that.

In the ancient times, it seems, it was more honorable to take your own life, than to die by the hand of the enemy. Therefore it is easier to fight with dignity than surrender with shame. The prize is not that you won, although winning is nice, it's that you didn't let yourself down and you did the best you could. In the end, that's all that really matters.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Money, money, money. The thing that seems to make the world go round, yet most don't have that much of. Money to me is a piece of paper that allows you to purchase certain things. Yes, don't get me wrong, money is important, but it's not all there is to life. When you have enough money to pay all your bills and get most of things you want or need, and put some back to save, you have enough money. I don't think I would want to be one of those people who just flauts their money, that has nothing to do with, yet still won't help others in their time of need. That's just selfish to me.
The lack of money impacts life significantly. If you grow up in poverty, your outlook on life is probably not that positive because your family didn't have enough money to get barely get by. People who lack money also seem to be very unhappy people for the most part. They look at others and become sickened because they can't have all the luxuries in life. If they work hard enough, then they will always make it through.
From the outside looking in, one might think that money makes the world go round. And for some that is true. I don't think it makes the world go round. Yea... it's nice to have and all when you want something or you have to pay a bill, but it's not all there is too life.
People constantly focus on the aspect of money and the little things in life that ohh so important just pass them by.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Printing Books...

I was in U.S. History class when I was trying to figure out how to put my textbook on my computer. Logan Ferguson and I were working in on this together. I put the CD rom in my computer and asked what I should do next. Logan told me that I should click the print button. He had the most serious look on his face. I was not aware that he was joking, so I clicked the button. I raised my hand, following clicking the print button, and told Mr. Fuller that I had just printed my book. He frantically ran from his desk to the phone saying "Are you trying to get me fired?" Mr. Fuller called the librarian and told her that there had been an acidental printing of a textbook. I assume she then asked how many pages it was. Mr. Fuller then replied "Oh... only about 2000."

I was so funny. I think the printing was cancelled in time, but to think that I printed a 2000 page book didn't seem good at all. It all worked out though. We still joke about it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Laughter unifies us in many different ways. We all laugh together at the same things. Some people might think that something is funny and others might not. Very seldom, does someone laugh about something all by themselves, unless there alone of course. Laughter is important because it warms your heart. It can turn a bad day into a good day. It makes you stop and realize the little things in life that mean the most to you. My friends are constantly making me laugh about the craziest things that most people would just find stupid. I laugh about these things many times. They dwell with me for days. Silly commercials on T.V. make me laugh, along with song lyrics. It really doesn't take much for me to laugh. I amuse myself most of the time. I'm very easily amused. T.V. shows that are overly dramatic and cheesy make me laugh so hard that I cry.
I think that laughing is the best medicine for a bad day. No matter what you are mad about and how mad you are, there is always something that can make you laugh or smile in the day. 24 hours is a long time, I couldn't imagine not laughing or smiling once in that time period.
But... as I said before, I don't have that problem because I'm either smiling or laughing 97% of the time. I'm not saying that I don't get sad because I do. I just have learned to smile through the hard times and everything will either work itself out or get better. And if it doesn't, you still need to smile and laugh then too. Laughter is the universal sign of happiness. Well... to me anyway.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Loving what you love...

Doing what you love and loving what you do is one of the most important things in life to me. I think that you should be happy with the way your life is going, or else you are going to have complications and problems arise throughout it.
Have you ever did something that you didn't really want to do but did it anyway? If you are like me, you didn't have a very good attitude about it and it seemed like it took forever. If you want to have fun doing something, you have to make it fun. That is why you should do what you love and love what you do.
That is the number one reason why teachers tell their students to choose a career choice that interest them because no one wants to do something for the rest of their life that's boring. It would get old after a while to anyone I'm sure.

Do what you love and love what you do, leave an impact on the world, and don't pick your nose.

I think this is very good advice for anyone trying to be happy in life. :]

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Home to me is the place where love is spread and dreams are built. Am I ready to leave my home? Ummm... Not at ALL! I love my house. At this point in my life, I would never make it on my own. I'm focused on school and after that I focus on friends and family. All the extra responsibility of being on my own would just overwhelm me. I don't think that's going to happen for a long time, or until I leave for college. My home is unique in many ways. My family and I are very close. We still eat supper around the kitchen table, all together. We communicate and talk to each other on a daily basis. We tell each other that we love each other very often. My home is just a place that love is present and life is good. It's not always this way because my family and I do get into arguements, like every other family, but for the most part it's a nice place to be. We just have fun and relax. Also, my house is extremely clean.

Music is the cure!

Whenever I feel down, I listen to music. Whenever I go to sleep, I listen to music to help me fall asleep. Whenever I'm driving down the road, I listen to my radio blasting going down the street. Music just makes me feel better and it helps me concentrate. If I'm doing a homework assignment, I most always need music. It helps me to focus and concentrate on one simple topic. Music also plays an important role in me getting to sleep. It makes me tired and helps me get to my sound sleep that is so wonderful. Music is just an amazing way to express your opinions. You don't have to speak them directly, you can place them to an awesome beat and maybe everyone will love it. That is if you want everyone to hear it. My friends and I listen to music together all the time. We drive all over town just so we can listen to music and be with each other. Music is just amazing in everyway!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Throwing Stones...

The old saying if you live in glass houses, you shouldn't thrown stones is true, but you shouldn't throw stones at all. In this particular saying, stones are referring to your negative, critical comments. You should never judge anyone because you have never walked in their shoes. You don't know exactly what they go through on a daily basis. I have been on the end of someone always finding fault with me. I constantly tried to live up to their expectations, but it was never good enough. No matter what I did, they always had something mean or negative to say about it. They spent their time tearing me down instead of building me up and encouraging me like they were supposed too. I also have been the one judging. I have made it a point to not judge others now. Before I realized that impact my comments had on others, I always had something negative to say. Now I concentrate on the positive and the good. I try and smile at the little things and enjoy life. Everyone will be judged in the end so why be judged now. That's someone elses' job anyway, so stop doing it. Live life to the fullest and give your best and don't worry about all the nit-picky comments that others say. Tell them to get a life and stop bothering you and yours. :]


I would have to say that I have some of the greatest friends in the world. They are constantly trying to make me laugh or smile. Always calling me to see if I want to do something. We do pretty much everything together. We go out to eat, soccer games, each other's houses, and all the other random things. They know when something is wrong, and they are always there to listen and care. They are there until the very end. We laugh together, cry together, through the good times and the bad. I can tell them pretty much anything in the world. I trust them almost everything. I know that if I ever needed them that they would be there for me no matter what.

Monday, August 31, 2009


I have a new found interest in watching soccer games. Besides the cute guy that's out there, I acutally like them. They are intense and action packed. There is never a dull moment, unless they are playing a really bad team. I have always said that soccer was such a boring sport so what is the point in me going to watch a game for? I was completely wrong. They are so much fun. The fans get so involved and scream and shout. It's like it's life or death. The excitement of the player running and putting a shot up is just more than I can handle. Especially if the game is tied and we're running out of time. (AHS vs. DCHS) It's also a time for me to connect with all my friends because we all share the same interest in watching soccer games too!

Friday, August 28, 2009


What kind of leaders do I admire? The kind of leaders that I admire are compassionate, kind, and always willing to help. They would stop whatever they were doing to help you in your time of need. The one's that don't act as if they are being punished for just being around you. Over the years of my life, I have had good leaders and bad ones. Some people who just came into my life for a limited time, and then they were gone. Others are here for the long haul. Those people are some of the people I used to go to church with, my family, some of my teachers, etc. These people are there for me no matter what. They also lead me in the right direction and they want to see me succeed in every area of my life. They don't lead me on the wrong path to be mean, if they do make mistakes, we all learn together. I like someone who is considerate of my opinions also. Not just someone who thinks that they are the only ones who are right. That gets very annoying to me. I want to follow someone who understands me and cares about me.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Friendship doubles joy

This proverb means that if you have good friends then that will make you more joyful and it will also make you less sad and you will not grieve as much. This summer, my life wasn't really all that great. Both of my grandpas were sick and in and out of the hospital. My brother is going through a really hard time. The guy I dated for almost 3 years broke up with me for no reason at all, or at least he didn't give me one. My life just kinda turned upside down and I felt as if I was all alone. I stayed in my room for almost 2 weeks straight, only getting up to eat or to use the bathroom. Then... one day some of my friends came over and pulled me out of bed and made me get up and continue on with my life. This proverb rings true in my situation. Although I didn't really want to get up and move on, when I finally got that extra push from those who care about me the most, I realized that life actually was going to be alright. They showed me that even though one chapter had ended, that a new one was always waiting to be started. Now I'm on a new chapter of my life and everything is great. I now have a new outlook on the way things turn out also. As long as I give my best and I know that I did all I can possibly do, then the rest is out of my hands, and there is no need wondering what might have been.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Of all the relatives I have, I would say that I am most like my mom because most say we should have been twins instead of mother and daughter. We have the same mouth, eyes, facial features, and even our hair is the same. My mother and I look almost identical if you compare our elementary school photos. On the other hand, I looked like my father when I was born. I had the orangesh, red hair with the big blue eyes. I still have my fathers nose and ears. Which are very distinctly noticed between the two of us.