Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Homework this year is becoming very overwhelming very fast. It seems as if that's all I really do these days. I would like to have a little break every once in a while. With all the projects that have accumulated and the added stress, all I can ask for is actually survive my junior year. It has been only 3 months since school started and I'm already ready for it to end. School doesn't really bother me, it's not my favorite by any means, but this year I might be beginning to dislike school all together. I don't normally complain about homework because I'm in all honors classes. I chose to be in these classes and that's just something I have to deal with. Lately though, things have been getting a little too much for me. I didn't realize that there would so many elaborate projects that I would have to complete this year.
I'm not thinking about dropping down by any means because I have worked way too hard the past 2 years to just throw it all away. I'm just thinking that maybe I need to figure out a better way of managing my time so that I dont' feel so overwhelmed all at once. I am a person that doesn't handle alot of things at once. I prefer to break things down one at a time if possible. All this stress is really catching up to me. Things are going to have to slow down so I can relax. Fall break helped a little bit but I was still doing work then too, so it wasn't all that much help. I just hope I can take a little breather for about a week or so. That would be very nice!

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