Monday, November 2, 2009


Halloween is just so fun. What isn't awesome about candy and all kinds of yummy food? I love candy and the dressing up that is involved in the celebration. My friends and I dressed up as a rock group for Halloween this year. Micah was Red Robin. I was Sunny D with my guitar Rosie. Taylor was the Black Widow. We went trick or treating. After we finished that, we had nachos, cupcakes, punch, pretzels, and all kinds of candy. We also danced almost all night long. We watched movies together too. It was a ton of fun.
I don't believe in spending the whole month of October waiting for Halloween, but I do believe in celebrating it no matter what age you are. There is a point to where you have to stop trick or treating, but you don't have to give up the whole party thing too. Next year, I think my friends and I are going to just have a big costume party. I love parties. Now, it is time to start thinking about Thanksgiving and everyone likes that holiday.

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