Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thank You!

I'm writing this blog to thank all the countless Veterans that have given thier time, courage, and some even thier lives to this nation. All that you have done makes it possible for me to even sit here in school and type this blog. Whether it was fighting on the frontline, nursing the wounded, or whatever the task, you participation is greatly appreciated by many. As Americans, we celebrate the hard work of Veterans on November 11th each year. I think we should commend those who fight so bravely for our freedoms everyday. We should be able to at least say thank you to all those who willingly agree to lay down their lives for people they don't even know. That should be the easiest thing for most people on Earth to do. Yet, we find it hard to take time out of our busy schedules and say thank you. So, I am stopping what I am doing and taking time to express my gratitude for all the Veterans and current military officers serving. I am very grateful that I can drive around town, go to school without fear, and all the small things that most take for granted. I thank you for all that you do and I also thank those to come in advance for all you will do.

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