Thursday, October 15, 2009

Major Upsetness!

Okay... So the 1st nine weeks grades were due this morning at 11:00. I am so excited while I scroll down the Infinite Campus page and I see all A's. UNTIL... I get to my Algebra 2 Honors class where I have a C. Wait... It gets worse, I'm missing the B mark by about .09 of a point. I was so upset and now I have to explain to my parents why I have a C in a class when I am so used to getting A's.
It's not like I'm slacking or all my other grades would be down too. I'm really trying to understand but math just doesn't come easy for. It never has. As a matter of fact, I don't think it ever will. I hope my parent's don't ground me, because I really am doing my best. My fall break will either be ruined or a blast. One will never know.
I am going to work as hard as I possibly can to make the 2nd nine weeks grade better so that I can bring up the C average. Also... It's not like I have a low C, it's .09 points away from a B. I think thats the part that hurts the most. I just don't like it. All A's and one C... that just looks and sounds ugly. I've been trying so hard to keep my grades up and I hardly get any sleep these days, but apparently math just isn't my forte. I have worked and studied and tried as hard as I could on everything. I have done the best I could and I guess I have to be satisfied with that.

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