Thursday, September 10, 2009


Laughter unifies us in many different ways. We all laugh together at the same things. Some people might think that something is funny and others might not. Very seldom, does someone laugh about something all by themselves, unless there alone of course. Laughter is important because it warms your heart. It can turn a bad day into a good day. It makes you stop and realize the little things in life that mean the most to you. My friends are constantly making me laugh about the craziest things that most people would just find stupid. I laugh about these things many times. They dwell with me for days. Silly commercials on T.V. make me laugh, along with song lyrics. It really doesn't take much for me to laugh. I amuse myself most of the time. I'm very easily amused. T.V. shows that are overly dramatic and cheesy make me laugh so hard that I cry.
I think that laughing is the best medicine for a bad day. No matter what you are mad about and how mad you are, there is always something that can make you laugh or smile in the day. 24 hours is a long time, I couldn't imagine not laughing or smiling once in that time period.
But... as I said before, I don't have that problem because I'm either smiling or laughing 97% of the time. I'm not saying that I don't get sad because I do. I just have learned to smile through the hard times and everything will either work itself out or get better. And if it doesn't, you still need to smile and laugh then too. Laughter is the universal sign of happiness. Well... to me anyway.

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