Thursday, September 24, 2009

Think awhile...

"Never be afraid to sit and think awhile." ---Lorraine Hansberry

This quote to me means that if you are going through a situation in life that is hard or you are going to encounter a difficult situation, you should just take some time and sit down to think about the pros and cons of each choice you can choose. People usually make the wrong decisions and come back to regret things when they just jump into situations and make hasty decisions.
In the book we are reading now, Mama is deciding on what she is going to do with the insurance money from her husband's death. Many people in the family have various ideas of where the money should be put and what the money should buy. All in all, these people realize that the money is not theirs' but it is Mama's. Ultimately, the decision is left up to her. If anyone gets their feelings hurt or gets upset about anything, they will be taking this up with Mama. The money can't do everything that everyone wants it too.

This must be a hard choice for a woman that wants to please everyone. She cares about her children more than anything in the world. She wouldn't hurt them for anything. When the money comes though, somebodies dream will be crushed because she can't afford both. That must weigh on her mind as she sleeps at night. The quote stated above the remedy for such dilemma. Such take some time and sit down and think about it. Don't just into anything. You may wind up regretting it.

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