Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Throwing Stones...

The old saying if you live in glass houses, you shouldn't thrown stones is true, but you shouldn't throw stones at all. In this particular saying, stones are referring to your negative, critical comments. You should never judge anyone because you have never walked in their shoes. You don't know exactly what they go through on a daily basis. I have been on the end of someone always finding fault with me. I constantly tried to live up to their expectations, but it was never good enough. No matter what I did, they always had something mean or negative to say about it. They spent their time tearing me down instead of building me up and encouraging me like they were supposed too. I also have been the one judging. I have made it a point to not judge others now. Before I realized that impact my comments had on others, I always had something negative to say. Now I concentrate on the positive and the good. I try and smile at the little things and enjoy life. Everyone will be judged in the end so why be judged now. That's someone elses' job anyway, so stop doing it. Live life to the fullest and give your best and don't worry about all the nit-picky comments that others say. Tell them to get a life and stop bothering you and yours. :]

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