Monday, September 21, 2009

The Little Things...

There are many things in my life that make me happy, that others might consider insignificant. I love the little things of life.
1. Having a really cool pen to write with.
2. Colored post-it notes
3. Having your homework done before the class starts.
4. Holes being punched in the paper before I get it, that way I can keep it in my binder.
5. A really cold glass of milk.
6. My parents buying me something without me having to ask for it.
7. Hugs for no reason.
8. Purses make me extremely happy.
9. Soccer games with blankets to keep warm.
10. Driving with the windows down.
11. Pecan pie is the best in the world.
12. Someone calling just to say "I love you"
13. When the internet on the laptop is working properly at a semi-fast speed.
14. Earphones not being tangled up.
15. McDonald's sweet tea.
16. Choco creams for Lic's in the middle of the summer.
17. Jumping in the pool.
18. Church
19. Fetticini Alfredo with salad and breadsticks dipped in italian dressing with black tie mousse cake for desert.
20. The smile of a friend who really cares.

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