Wednesday, January 20, 2010


There are many things that people do on a regular basis and we call these things their trademarks. I tend to say "rite quick" all the time so people already know that I'm getting ready to say that. They all laugh when I say that too because I have an accent because I'm from Alabama and my southern voice comes out every now and then. My mom and dad have specific sayings that they say all the time too. They say things like "take my rest" and "tell me straight up". All these things are neat to hear, but you soon pick up that they are said often around my house. Seth repeats song lyrics all the time. It kinda starts to get annoying so then he picks a different song. My friends, they repeat lines from movies and t.v. shows all the time. I think they live to find different phrases so they can tell them to each other the next day or even call them on the phone that night. When I really think of trademarks, I think of different logos that stores or companies have. The starbucks logo being the first one that comes to mind. Also, the mcdonald's arches are very distinct when thinking about trademarks.

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