Thursday, January 28, 2010


Snow is coming our way. It isn't supposed to be that much snow, but it is coming. I hope it isn't like last year and the ice storm. Owensboro was out of power for almost 3 weeks. It was crazy. It was below 30 degrees in my house. After the first two days, my mom and I went to Alabama to stay during the storm. We were only gone about 3 days though. My dad had to work everyday of the ice storm. He is a mail man. It was dangerous for him to have to drive with all the power lines and tree limbs down.
Anyways... I like snow in small quanitys. As long as I can still drive and leave my house and we have power, I have nothing against it. I don't like when it makes us go to school until June. This would be our first actual snow snow. We had snow not to long ago but it really wasn't all that much of anything. I hope we don't have any ice either. That is what makes the roads slick and I like leaving my house so I pray that I can still drive.

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