Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Breaks from school make me happy. They allow time for me to rest and relax. They also get me out of my usual routine and that takes time for me to get back into. I also wonder what I am going to do on these breaks and that worries me. If I can do anything at all is probably my main concern. That tends to really bother me, not knowing what I'm going to do on the weekend. As long as I know that the people I want to hang out with want to hang out with me, I'm okay, but if they sway away from doing anything that bothers me. I don't know why I'm like that but I am and I can't seem to change that. Well... off of that. I like breaks but its takes me an awful long time to get back in the order of the way I do things. This might not bother some people, but it really affects me because I have meetings all through the week early in the morning and I can't be late to them. Like right after MLKJ day, I had to be at school early for a student council meeting. That was hard getting everything ready and together on time, but I managed. The worst thing about breaks is getting to sleep in and then having to go back to waking up earlier than normal. That bugs me beyond all belief. I really don't like that part of it at all.

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