Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There a lot of things in life that scare people. Most it what be the thought of their life ending, the spiders in their, and maybe even the thought of being trapped in the elevator. Whatever it may be, people choose not to encounter them or just complete shut themselves in for the rest of their lives. I have many things in my life that scare me right now. The thought of graduating high school is a relief, yet also I will have to move away to college and be by myself. The thought of car accidents every time I get into my car. There have been so many wrecks with Apollo students this year that I am very very cautious not, but still the constant threat of what others might do hangs over me. The thought of keeping my grades up means that I will have to put in a lot of hard work and discipline. Since we have been back at school, any free time I have gotten, I have used it to work on my other classes. The time that is given in class is no longer used solely for games and music. I do the homework that was assigned so that I do not get so overwhelmed with the load that is left at the end of the week. The added life outside of school is really getting to me. Everywhere people to be having some kind of problem. My personal problems are getting pretty upsetting, but I'm still hanging in there. All in all, things could be worse so I should be thankful. Life is a scary thing, you just have to learn to deal with it.

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