Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Ideas...

There are many things in life that are considered to be bad ideas. Some of which are taking a bath and trying to play with some electronical device. That would not be good and would result in you possibly not being here anymore. One really bad idea that I had when I was a young child of about 3 or 4 was to drink bleach. I was climbing on the dryer and decided that I was going to taste whatever was in the bottle that I came across first. The first bottle contained bleach so that was what I drank. My mom was so scared and I had to go to the hospital, but there was nothing they could do for me. They then told my mom to call poison control center and they would tell me what I could do so that it wouldn't hurt me anymore than it already had. I was told to drink milk and then it would sour on my stomach because milk does that when you have poison in your body. After the milk soured, I would then begin vomitting and all the liquid bleach in my stomach would come up as the milk did. After a long process, I decided not to ever drink bleach or anything poisonous again.

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