Friday, January 29, 2010


My junior year has been flying by and I don't have time to blink anymore because things are going so fast. It feels like just the other day was our first day of school and we were just getting used to our classes, but junior year is in full swing and will be over before we know it. I used to be scared of graduating high school and having to go away to college. It doesn't really scare me as much as it used to because I will find this experience as one that will be a new opportunity to make new friends and go to a place where no one has any pre-conceived notions about me.
College is an opportunity for me to be me and still have all the fun that I want. I still haven't quite decided what college that I would like to attend, but I will figure it out before too much longer. Or at least I need to before too much longer. I just feel as if all the drama that keeps going on will soon stop and everyone will be okay with everyone, but leaving high school will also do that too. College students don't focus as much on the petty things as high school students do because they are there to learn and get on with the life and their lives callings. I'm just ready for a break and for some things to slow down just a little bit so maybe I can breathe and not be as stressed as I usually am.

Quadratics Test...

I have a quadratics test today and I'm really nervous about it. I have done good about doing my algebra 2 homework and making sure that I understand what she teaches. I ask questions all the time if I don't get it and I do extra problems and check them in the back of the book. I just don't know if I am going to be able to get a good grade on this test. I really will be disappointed if I don't get a good grade because I don't know what else I could possible do to help me prepare for this test. It covers a lot of different material too. We have been on this unit since before Christmas so I am worried that I may have forgotten part of it. I just wish I had a review of some of the questions that were going to be on the test instead of sample questions that didn't make it onto the test. She gives us reviews, but they always seem to not have anything to do with the questions she asks us about on the test. I hope I get a good grade because that would be a good end to a rather bad week.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Snow is coming our way. It isn't supposed to be that much snow, but it is coming. I hope it isn't like last year and the ice storm. Owensboro was out of power for almost 3 weeks. It was crazy. It was below 30 degrees in my house. After the first two days, my mom and I went to Alabama to stay during the storm. We were only gone about 3 days though. My dad had to work everyday of the ice storm. He is a mail man. It was dangerous for him to have to drive with all the power lines and tree limbs down.
Anyways... I like snow in small quanitys. As long as I can still drive and leave my house and we have power, I have nothing against it. I don't like when it makes us go to school until June. This would be our first actual snow snow. We had snow not to long ago but it really wasn't all that much of anything. I hope we don't have any ice either. That is what makes the roads slick and I like leaving my house so I pray that I can still drive.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Winter is a cold time of the year. Whether it snows or not, the temperature always continues to fall. We all wonder if we are going to get out of school or not, and most hope we do. Whiteness covers the ground in the morning and you rush to the T.V. to see if the schools are actually closed. Whispers come across the town when school is out because students are at their friends or still in bed catching up on much needed sleep. While we seem to be enjoying the day, we learn and discover that the snow is quickly melting and our hearts are breaking at the same time. When spring comes, most are still excited because of the new fashions and warmer weather. While spring is a good season, everyone's favorite is either summer or fall.

Post-It Notes

Post-It Notes make me rather happy. I get excited about very small things, and I know post-it notes aren't really that important, but I love them anyway. They are small things that help me keep my thoughts and notes organized. I also really enjoy all the different designs and colors of them too. You can have them in neon, pastel, or even rainbow. They can be all differently shaped too. Like if your name started with a D, you could buy the ones in a shape of a D. Also, you can buy ones in the shapes of different fruits and also the colors are the colors of the fruits they are shaped like.
When I read certain material to study for or even if I want to write down my thoughts or reminders for the day, I always use post-it notes and I stick them to whatever is handy. I also like to draw silly pictures on them to cheer up my friends with. I usually write small notes on them to keep myself having a positive attitude and outlook on life. Goals can usually be found on a variety of post-it notes in my possession. I just love them and they make me happy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


There are many things that people do on a regular basis and we call these things their trademarks. I tend to say "rite quick" all the time so people already know that I'm getting ready to say that. They all laugh when I say that too because I have an accent because I'm from Alabama and my southern voice comes out every now and then. My mom and dad have specific sayings that they say all the time too. They say things like "take my rest" and "tell me straight up". All these things are neat to hear, but you soon pick up that they are said often around my house. Seth repeats song lyrics all the time. It kinda starts to get annoying so then he picks a different song. My friends, they repeat lines from movies and t.v. shows all the time. I think they live to find different phrases so they can tell them to each other the next day or even call them on the phone that night. When I really think of trademarks, I think of different logos that stores or companies have. The starbucks logo being the first one that comes to mind. Also, the mcdonald's arches are very distinct when thinking about trademarks.

A Tale of Two Cities

When given A Tale of Two Cities, I thought I would absolutely hate it and fail all the quizzes that I would be given. I actually am finding the book interesting though there are still some parts that I don't completely understand. I thought the quizzes were going to be really hard, but I have found that if you read and write down everything you feel important and pay attention to symbols and repetition of certain things through the book, you will be alright in taking the quizzes. I have done very well on both the quizzes that I have taken so far and am excited about continuing with this book. I can't wait to actually do good and comprehend something by myself. It makes me feel good and it makes me want to try even harder to do the best that I possibly can.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Ideas...

There are many things in life that are considered to be bad ideas. Some of which are taking a bath and trying to play with some electronical device. That would not be good and would result in you possibly not being here anymore. One really bad idea that I had when I was a young child of about 3 or 4 was to drink bleach. I was climbing on the dryer and decided that I was going to taste whatever was in the bottle that I came across first. The first bottle contained bleach so that was what I drank. My mom was so scared and I had to go to the hospital, but there was nothing they could do for me. They then told my mom to call poison control center and they would tell me what I could do so that it wouldn't hurt me anymore than it already had. I was told to drink milk and then it would sour on my stomach because milk does that when you have poison in your body. After the milk soured, I would then begin vomitting and all the liquid bleach in my stomach would come up as the milk did. After a long process, I decided not to ever drink bleach or anything poisonous again.


Breaks from school make me happy. They allow time for me to rest and relax. They also get me out of my usual routine and that takes time for me to get back into. I also wonder what I am going to do on these breaks and that worries me. If I can do anything at all is probably my main concern. That tends to really bother me, not knowing what I'm going to do on the weekend. As long as I know that the people I want to hang out with want to hang out with me, I'm okay, but if they sway away from doing anything that bothers me. I don't know why I'm like that but I am and I can't seem to change that. Well... off of that. I like breaks but its takes me an awful long time to get back in the order of the way I do things. This might not bother some people, but it really affects me because I have meetings all through the week early in the morning and I can't be late to them. Like right after MLKJ day, I had to be at school early for a student council meeting. That was hard getting everything ready and together on time, but I managed. The worst thing about breaks is getting to sleep in and then having to go back to waking up earlier than normal. That bugs me beyond all belief. I really don't like that part of it at all.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There a lot of things in life that scare people. Most it what be the thought of their life ending, the spiders in their, and maybe even the thought of being trapped in the elevator. Whatever it may be, people choose not to encounter them or just complete shut themselves in for the rest of their lives. I have many things in my life that scare me right now. The thought of graduating high school is a relief, yet also I will have to move away to college and be by myself. The thought of car accidents every time I get into my car. There have been so many wrecks with Apollo students this year that I am very very cautious not, but still the constant threat of what others might do hangs over me. The thought of keeping my grades up means that I will have to put in a lot of hard work and discipline. Since we have been back at school, any free time I have gotten, I have used it to work on my other classes. The time that is given in class is no longer used solely for games and music. I do the homework that was assigned so that I do not get so overwhelmed with the load that is left at the end of the week. The added life outside of school is really getting to me. Everywhere people to be having some kind of problem. My personal problems are getting pretty upsetting, but I'm still hanging in there. All in all, things could be worse so I should be thankful. Life is a scary thing, you just have to learn to deal with it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Beginnings...

Over the past few years, I have gained some friends and I have also lost of few along the way too. I'm close to people that I really didn't talk to before and I don't talk as much to the ones I thought were going to have my mom sewn together. As you mature and get older, the people you hangout with do too. That is because your personality and character are being built. I still hang out with most of the same people as I did in middle school, but we have added some throughout high school.
The guy situation in accordance to new beginnings. I have a boyfriend, but I wouldn't quite say he was a new boyfriend. We dated for almost 3 years, broke up for 6 months, and now we are back together. So you could say it's like a new beginning. Things are going good though.
My life as in new beginnings... I have tried some things for the first time and some I liked, some I didn't. It has been crazy over the last year. This year I hope will be one of just having fun and making the most out of what you are given.
A job might be in the near future because I'm really tired of not having any money. My parents are also tired of me always having to ask them for money.