Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Homework this year is becoming very overwhelming very fast. It seems as if that's all I really do these days. I would like to have a little break every once in a while. With all the projects that have accumulated and the added stress, all I can ask for is actually survive my junior year. It has been only 3 months since school started and I'm already ready for it to end. School doesn't really bother me, it's not my favorite by any means, but this year I might be beginning to dislike school all together. I don't normally complain about homework because I'm in all honors classes. I chose to be in these classes and that's just something I have to deal with. Lately though, things have been getting a little too much for me. I didn't realize that there would so many elaborate projects that I would have to complete this year.
I'm not thinking about dropping down by any means because I have worked way too hard the past 2 years to just throw it all away. I'm just thinking that maybe I need to figure out a better way of managing my time so that I dont' feel so overwhelmed all at once. I am a person that doesn't handle alot of things at once. I prefer to break things down one at a time if possible. All this stress is really catching up to me. Things are going to have to slow down so I can relax. Fall break helped a little bit but I was still doing work then too, so it wasn't all that much help. I just hope I can take a little breather for about a week or so. That would be very nice!

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Best Halloween Ever!

The best Halloween ever was when I was about 5 years old. Most would think the story I'm about to tell is sad, but I think it was one of the best Halloween's I have ever had. I was in kindergarden for just a short while and I had to get my kindergarden shots to be able to remain in school. I was terrified of needles anyway, but to make things worse I had to get them on Halloween. Since I was so little, the doctor told that I probably shouldn't move around alot afterwards and rest alot. Exhausted from crying, I came home and fell asleep on the living room floor where I had recently been playing. Unlike all the others kids out in their costumes getting candy, I was at home asleep with my mommy.
My daddy wasn't home from work when I had fallen asleep. When he came home and he woke me up to give me a very cute stuffed animal. He said he wanted me to at least have something on Halloween, since I couldn't go trick or treating. He also brought me candy, but my favorite part was the stuffed animal. The animal had a pumpkin for a head and was wearing scarecrow clothes and had a straw hat on it's head.
I know this probably doesn't sound like much to the average person, but I thought the world of the stuffed animal. The fact that my daddy and mommy were so worried about me being heartbroken over not being able to celebrate Halloween that they would go out of his way to make it the best they possibly could. It meant pretty much the world to me when I was five. I will always remember that as one of my most favorite Halloweens.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Major Upsetness!

Okay... So the 1st nine weeks grades were due this morning at 11:00. I am so excited while I scroll down the Infinite Campus page and I see all A's. UNTIL... I get to my Algebra 2 Honors class where I have a C. Wait... It gets worse, I'm missing the B mark by about .09 of a point. I was so upset and now I have to explain to my parents why I have a C in a class when I am so used to getting A's.
It's not like I'm slacking or all my other grades would be down too. I'm really trying to understand but math just doesn't come easy for. It never has. As a matter of fact, I don't think it ever will. I hope my parent's don't ground me, because I really am doing my best. My fall break will either be ruined or a blast. One will never know.
I am going to work as hard as I possibly can to make the 2nd nine weeks grade better so that I can bring up the C average. Also... It's not like I have a low C, it's .09 points away from a B. I think thats the part that hurts the most. I just don't like it. All A's and one C... that just looks and sounds ugly. I've been trying so hard to keep my grades up and I hardly get any sleep these days, but apparently math just isn't my forte. I have worked and studied and tried as hard as I could on everything. I have done the best I could and I guess I have to be satisfied with that.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween Senses...

There are many different Halloween senses that you can experience. 

I can taste the wonderful candy that I shall obtain by hopefully dressing up as a lady-bug or bumble bee. :]

I can feel the clothe of the costume I will have on.

I can hear all the monsters yelling as people pass them.

I can see all the lights and fog machines that will be going the night of Halloween.

I can hear the screams of the people getting scared as they go through the haunted houses.

I can taste the cookies that are being baked in the shape of pumpkins and ghosts.

I can smell chocolate and peanut butter from the candy being given out as tricker treaters knock on the door.

Wow... the list goes on and on and on and on and on... well, you get the point I hope. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scary Movie...

A movie that scares me is The Blair Witch Project. That movie scared me to death and yet all I could do was laugh through the entirety of the movie. I think that I used laughter as a coping device to get me through it. All these horrible things kept happening when a circle of rocks appeared on the ground. It seems silly, but actually it is based on a true story. Really a true story. I don't know where it actually took place, but I know it did. People died and were chopped up and yet all I could manage to do was laugh. Strange? Slightly. I agree. 

It seems rather odd for me to think that things so bad could possibly come from just a circle of stones. Ohh... But they did. These people were brave enough to try and document the movement of the ghosts that were seen earlier in the year. They were tested and tried in so many different ways. They got lost and almost gave up on ever finding anything at all. Their belongings and the only equipment they had with them at the time was mysteriously stolen. All through the woods, they could hear voices and footsteps. No one ever knew where the footsteps were coming from. It was one of the scariest movies I had ever watched. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


One summer, I was working at a children's camp. The night was here, we all got to return home. We took turns throughout the week for the adults to help the children get to bed or leave. Friday was my turn to stay and wait for all the children to get into their vehicles and go safely home. Everyone was gone around 7:00. All except for one little boy. I stuck around until about 8:00 and then asked the boy where he lived. He said he didn't know where he lived or his telephone number. I asked him if we were close, if he would know the vacinity of where he lived. The little boy said that he would try. We began down a winding country road and they neared a hill. The little boy began to scream wildly. So I asked him if he lived up there? I was weary of a house being up there, but I drove there instead. When we pulled up in front of the trailer, a man with a white beard came out and thanked me for bringing the boy home.
After returning back down the street, I noticed some loud thumps about half way down. I got out of my car and noticed that I had not one, but two flat tires. I didn't have a cell phone and I didn't remember passing a pay phone on the way over here. I then went to open the door and noticed that I had locked my keys in my car. The night had just gotten worse. I then began to hear loud noises that resembled footsteps. There was a monster coming around the corner and I was sure he was going to get me. I hid under my car and the footsteps kept getting closer. The feet came into view and they were extremely large. The monster heard my breathing and he began to pull my legs. JUST like I'm pulling yours. Haha :]


I love food with a passion. Especially the really good kind of food. One of my favorite restaraunts is the Olive Garden. I love their fettucini alfredo, breadsticks with italian dressing, and their black tie mousse cake for desert. I also love Buffalo Wild Wings. That place just makes me happy all around. I eat their mini corn dogs there with potatoe wedges. If I'm really hungry then I order a small order of boneless honey BBQ wings with ranch. Just by hearing how much I eat, some would classify me as a pig. By looking at me, you would never know though. Many people assume that I have an eating disorder when they see me. The dirty looks and the sideways glances all get really irritating and old. I have just learned to get over them. I don't really care if they think that about me anyway because I know that I'm not and that is all that matters. Well... back to food. Food helps me through a lot of different situations. The most obvious one being when I'm hungry. I also eat when I'm bored or when I am sad. It just makes me feel better. Most consider that coping device to be bad but I don't think it's that bad because I don't eat everything, just a little of this and a little of that. Well... now I am officially hungry from this.