Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I finally convinced my parents to let me drive to Evansville. I'm going to a concert at Boney Junes and then to the mall to hopefully find some earrings and jewelry for my prom attire. I was extremely excited that I finally get to drive over there by myself. It is only 45 minutes away and I know that's not very far at all, but still the thought of being able to go by myself just makes me all warm and tingly on the inside. I am glad that my parents finally trust me enough to let me go alone now. My boyfriend is the only one who is going with me and I hope it is fun. I also don't know what I am going to eat while I'm over there. Since, I have my own money, I can buy the food that I want and put gas in the car and go places that I couldn't before. I'm so happy!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I like the play Macbeth but I just don't like the Shakespearean language. Its so hard for me to understand sometimes because of the way he worded things. Shakespeare's plays are so pretty and exciting, but I can't really get into them because I don't understand what half of it means. Freshmen year, we started Romeo and Juliet, and it wasn't that bad to understand. We also didn't finish that play either. Sophomore year, we read Julius Caesar and it was extremely hard to understand. We had quizzes on that after every reading too. It was very difficult. Macbeth is okay to understand at parts and going over what everything means helps a lot too. It lets me know what is being said. Also, I found this site on spark notes and it gives you the original text with the modern version right beside it. I used that this morning and it helped me a lot to know the significance of the quotes and to whom they were talking to directly.


So I finally have an A in math and I'm totally excited about this. I have worked so hard in math to bring it up. I also found a good way to review for math tests. I used to be one of those kids that didn't know how to study for math tests, but since I started struggling, I have figured out a good way to do it using the book and my notes. I am so happy because I have put a lot of effort into bringing my math grade up for not only me but my parents also. I maintain mostly an A average with maybe one or 2 B's, but I had a C in math and that just wasn't going to fly for me or them either. I worked and studied and did example problems and copied notes and did extra problems in the back of the book and memorized formulas and wrote notes over and over again. It has all payed off this far because I have an A now. I just have to keep up the hard work and keep the A that I have now, but I know I can if I keep trying the way I have been and don't let small problems and struggles get me down.


I finally got a job at Sears. I am a cashier and I work in the mens section. I work about 3-4 days a week after school and on the weekend. I hunted for a job all over spring break and I finally got an interview for sears. I had my second interview the very same day. and I got hired that day too. It was great. I was so proud of myself and everyone else was happy for me also. I finally have my own money and I can buy things that I want and I don't have to worry about my parents yelling at me for having to put gas in the car all the time. I can put gas in the car all by myself and they don't have to pay for it. That is a great feeling. I just love it and so do they.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Prom Dress

I got my prom dress over spring break. I got it from David's Bridal in Evansville. I think it is very pretty and my family likes it a lot. My boyfriend even likes it. It isn't anything big and flashy. It's just a simple dress that flows straight down. I didn't want a big, puffy dress that would get in my way all night and would weigh me down. I tried on one that had like 5 pounds of tool. My dress is black at top with these shiny diamond things. It does like a halter but goes around to the back and then laces a little and ties into a bow. Then, after the black, it flows into this deep purple color that lightens after a bit. Then it goes into blue that lightens and then purple again. My boyfriend is wearing a black tuxedo with a blue vest that will match the blue in my dress. I don't have a clue what kind of flowers I am getting. I still have about 2 weeks to decide. I'm excited though because it will be a fun night.