Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Ten things that I like about myself are:
1. I like my hair. It always smells good and it is neatly groomed each day.
2. My size. I'm not too little but not too big either. A happy medium.
3. My smile. I actually really smile. You see all my teeth and it is because I am happy.
4. My sense of style. I can take the most random things and somehow make it work together for me.
5. Handwriting. I used to write really neat and it took forever to finish anything, but now I've started writing differently. Its cool looking and it saves time.
6. Being able to understand. I understand many people's problems and that usually means I can help them in one way or another.
7. Creativity. I like to decorate things. If everything was plain, the world would be boring.
8. Organization. This will help me in the future because I make to-do lists and I get most everything completed in time.
9. Eyes. They are very different and change colors all the time.
10. Car. Its cute and girly and just makes me happy.

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