Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Summer time is nearing and I'm so excited. I can't wait until school gets out. I will be a senior next year. One more year left and then I will be gone. Off to college I go. Junior year is getting stressful and out of hand. We have everything going on plus the school work and home work I have to do. I also work a job and my life is getting a little crazy now. I can't seem to get it together. No matter how hard I try, I always seem to go back a little farther instead of going forward at all. I'm just so stressed right now.


This is Henry. I put him as my background on my computer whenever I am sad. He somehow cheers me up and makes me feel better. He's just sooooo cute and I can't help but smile every time I look at him. I do random things to make me feel better. Right now, my background is a picture of me and my boyfriend. That picture makes me happy too. I just like to be happy and have a positive attitude and if pictures help, that's how I am happy. It's just the simple things that bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart.

Prom was GREAT!

Prom was great! It stopped raining right before prom and didn't start again until after prom ended. It was so nice. Thank you Jesus! I had a really fun night. My dress was very pretty and I loved my hair and make-up a lot too. My nails were beautiful too. All my jewelry went well with my dress too. I was excited and I had fun with my boyfriend, who also looked very nice. It was stressful before prom making sure everything got done, but it all worked out in the end. For dinner, we ate at Seth's grandmother's house. They cooked for us and set the table really cute. After prom, we went back there to watch movies and have snacks. It was so much fun. For me to sleep comfortably though, I had to take over 50 bobby-pins out of my hair. My hair was so pretty though. I absolutely loved it. We woke up the next day and had breakfast. I was a little on the sick side because of all the rain. I'm better now though. My pictures that I have are pretty too and I just wish I could look like that all the time.